Instructional Design for Online Learning
The internet is used in a variety of different ways. It can be seen as a tool of convenience in our society. Many people access the internet to find information about certain topics they are researching. It’s easy to log on and have the World Wide Web at our finger tips. Educators use the internet to delivery content to their students. They can post assignments, set-up bulletin boards for discussions, have lectures for students on pod casts, and have streaming media that explains the content. The internet can also be used as a form of communication. Many people send out e-mails daily to friends, family, and co-workers. It is a form of communication that is right at our finger tips and we are able to access the internet whenever we need to. The convenience of this media makes communication simple, easy, and fast.
2. The strategy that I choose to look at is called self-directed learning. Self-directed learning is an individualized program that is set up between the instructor and the student. The student is able to work that their own pace to complete certain activities within a time frame. This strategy makes learning the content a more valuable experience for the student so the information will be retained longer and will be more meaningful to them. The technology that I would use for this strategy would be e-mail. It would give direct contact between the student and the instructor. It would be an easy media to use to monitor progress, ask questions, and submit assignments.
There are a few strengths that are related to the self-directed learning strategy. I would say that the biggest strength would be the convenience factor. The students can complete their work at a pace that is good for them. The freedom of completing assignments from a location of your choice and a time that is great for you. There may be a few weaknesses that go with this strategy too. If the student is not motivated to complete assignment then the work may not be done. Also if e-mail is the main media being used there could be some technology problems that could occur. If the e-mail server is down or if the internet is not working it could impact the student in a number of ways. Assignments may not be received by instructor, questions might not be answered in a timely manner, or delayed actions.
In a way self-directed learning is already in place in this class. We have assignments that we have to complete within a certain time. We are able to do them from a location of our choice and at a pace that is convenient for us. The way that I would incorporate this strategy into this class would be by setting up an individualized plan for each student to complete. A timeline would be set into place and there would be certain activities that would have to be completed by the end of the quarter. The student would be able to retain the information for a longer period of time and make a more meaningful connection to the content.
3. The purpose of evaluation of student performance in online classes is the demonstration of skills being mastered in different ways. There is not one way to assess student’s knowledge. There are a variety of activities that can be used to see if the student has a proficient understanding of the concepts being taught. It is important that the instructional designer use different types of activities to assess for mastery because not all students learn through the same leaning modalities. It can be a challenge for the instructional designer because he may not be aware of the needs of the students in the class. When evaluating the students work the designer may not be aware of the modalities that are strong for the student, so he/she may score well with those types of activities; or the modalities are the student is weak in, so he/she may not succeed with the task and not show mastery of that content.
The instructional designer should follow the ADDIE process when they want to create effective assessments for online courses. The designer needs to analyze the needs of the assessment, create a design template that will fit the needs of the students in the class for assessment, Do alpha and beta testing to see how the assessment works; if weaknesses are found they must be corrected and then retested, and the instructional designer needs evaluate the whole process of creating the assessment.