Sunday, March 18, 2007

Session 10

I have learned a lot from this class. I have become more aware of the different aspects that that leaders need to be aware of. I was able to create some material that I will be able to use in my kindergarten classroom for years to come. The projects allowed me to create an Alphafriends video that can help those students who need additional help with thier letters and letter sounds. In my other project I was able to create podcast for our time chapter in math for the students to use during center time. This will allow the students to have hands on learning and perhaps it will become meaningful learning for them. With my last project I was able to create a Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic material. I use our schools as a guide for the main headers that needed to be their. But before I created my project I didn't even know that our site had one. It was filed away in the student cums.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Session 9

Professional Development is designed to help us grow as a professional in some way. We may not realize it all the time because some of us don't even want to attend, are set in our ways and don't want to change. I think there is always something that you walk away with even from the worse workshop or training that you have attended.

There have ben a few trainings that I have been sent to that I enjoyed. One that really comes to my mind is the one I attended my first year teaching. It was on classroom management. The presenter was full of energy and gave great ideas on how to manage your classroom. I could really relate to what she was saying because she was a teacher from the district and she had been through what all of us new teachers were going through. I also likled how she would tell us storys that happened to her through the years so we could see that it happends to eveyone and thoughout the years you grow as a teacher and learn from your past expierences. I think I really enjoyed this training because I could take back with me any different stratigies to my classroom and try them out. I was not afraid they would not work because I could adapt them to meet my needs. It really helped me ease my way into the middle of my first year.

I think the worse workshop/training that I attended was the AB466 for HM. It was the longest week of my life. I know it is required for all teachers but there has to be someway to make it enjoyable. Part of the problem was we were sent to the training with another district because there was only a few of us who needed it. We were treated like outcasts all week long becuase we were not from there distrct. The trainer kept referring to certain testing materials that they used for their district that did not apply to us. The content of the traning was very dry. The trainer was very unorganized with the structure of the material. We did learn how to use all the componets of the seiries though and we able to bring back a few ideas with us. We were more aware on the little tricks to get through each theme and the helpful hints for reviewing material for the theme skills tests and the summative tests.

project 3

Here is my project 3. I create an Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Information Resources.

Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Information Resources