Session 8
I think that Data Driven Decision Making is already present at our district. We use the HM reading series so the students have to be tested every 6 weeks. The Theme Skill tests are given and then we take the student answers and scan them through EduSoft. The Edusoft program then scans their answers and grades the test for the teacher. Results are scored on the server. A positive use of the EduSoft program is that it allows you to do many different things with the data that's entered. Once the data is in the system I can pull up different reports so I can analyze the data.I can look at the scores as a whole class or for just one student. The nice thing about Edusoft I can pull off the reports for parent conferences and show the parents how their student scored and the answers they choose and if the answers were incorrect this was the correct answer they should have chosen. Edusoft also have section for interventions, you can choose by student, class, or small group. Once you select the students you can then select the test that you would like interventions for. You can choose to reteach all the standards that were in the test or you can choose only the standards that mastery was not met. Edusoft will then create practice worksheets for the students to use and another test so the students can be re-assessed. A negative use to Data Driven Decision Making is it takes a lot of time to analyze the data as a grade level and decide on a grade level solution. This needs to be done as a grade level every 6 weeks. When you are on a multi-track system you are missing at least one teacher per grade level if not more, so it is hard to pick up where you left off at the last meeting because someone was not there and you kinda need to backtrack to get the m up to speed on what is happening. The leadership at our sites supports Data Driven Decision Making. The leadership feels that if we know the areas where at students are weak and where they are strong we will be able to help the test scores go up. The leadership thinks this is a great idea to gain ideas from our grade level team- if one teacher in showing a weakness in a certain area and other teachers are not, they can provide ideas on how to teach the material differently next time. Also to go back and reteach certain material and then reassess the students is really time consuming with our time constraints that are already in place.
Activity Log- This week I complete my project 2. I will be gathering my materials for project 3.
Activity Log- This week I complete my project 2. I will be gathering my materials for project 3.