Friday, January 19, 2007

ETEC 623: Session 2

Leader vs. Manger

When I listened to this podcast I thought about the administration at my site. I never really realized all the tasks that need to be completed at once. The everyday functions that need to be completed in order for the school to be ran properly. An effective manger needs to meet the needs of their staff, the students, the parents, and other board members of the district. They need to find ways to satisfy each group, sometimes it requires different solutions. Then I started thinking about the budget portion of a school. The administrator needs to allocate certain funds for technology, supplies, and equipment, that certainly can be hard job crunching all those numbers. Being at a multi-track school I quote that I heard in a meeting came to mind....."Come April administration has one foot in the current year and the other foot in the coming year to balance the budget and make projections". This thought says with me each day when I walk through the office during chaotic days, like track changes days, and see administration still in control of the situation.

Then I thought about the leadership part of the administration. Being a title I school we have extra monies that benefit us. Our administration buys the best products that they think will meet the needs of our students. We are very lucky to have a lot of technologies available at our site. We have a curriculum specialist that will train the staff with certain programs so they can be implemented in the classroom. If a staff member expresses interest in a certain technology area we can bring it to the attention of the administrator, so they can look in to the product.

Activity Log:

This week I listened to the podcast then I thought about what I wanted to do for my projects and will create my proposals to submit to Dr. Newberry.


  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You are right! There are a lot of tasks that need to be completed at once in order to run an efficient school. Administrators are usually busy trying to accomplish many things at once.


  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Cassandra! :) I think we all have many tasks to complete, even though we think of leadership or managerial roles in administration. I'm sure that you and I have the same amount, it's just that ours may be different focused on our curriculum and students as opposed to say departments and staff. Congrats by the way on being able to graduation this Spring! How exciting! I'm sure many of us wish they were in your boat! What are you doing your project/research on? Jon

  • At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    While it is true that administrators have a lot of tasks to complete, it seems as though they have forgotten the tasks that must be completed everyday inside of the classroom. I wonder if it would be helpful for them to find someone that has an interest in whatever task that they have before tham and let them do some "leading" as many of us already do.
    Congrats on the completion of your program!!

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger dflores1972 said…

    Cassandra, I think that you are correct in stating that we all have multiple tasks in regards to a management and leadership.

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger Brian Newberry said…

    Indeed, running a school is a daunting task. Once upon a time I thought I might like to be in that roll... After a bit of practice I realized that it was far too much work! Those who do it well are to be commended because it is a very hard job.

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Davena Peters said…

    Your comments about administration, management and leadership are well understood. I guess when we really consider what all must be done in the administration roles, while at the same time trying to be leaders, we can maybe have some compassion. It is often too easy to criticize others rather than considering the load they bear. I guess thatis also why good leaders are hard to come by and should be respected for what they do. :-)


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